Friday, December 17, 2010


The vote by the Senate on Saturday to block a bill to grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant students was a painful setback to an emerging movement of immigrants and also appeared to leave the immigration policy of the Obama administration, which has supported the bill and the movement, in disarray. The bill, known as the Dream Act, gained 55 votes in favor with 41 against, a tally short of the 60 votes needed to bring it to the floor for debate.

Another one of 0bama's and Reid's and Pelosi's idiotic bills that Failed.  - kind of makes my day a little bit brighter  knowing that he has once again failed

Saturday, December 11, 2010

No Redistribution of My Wealth

I was fortunate to have a great job for many years and earn a pretty good salary, but I worked it with my own hands and brains, and I feel that I want to help MY OWN family, not some lazy bum who is looking for handouts from the government, and believe me, I don’t have the slightest bit of guilt for it. I feel that I am extremely generous, when it come to giving to the folks I want to give to, and I will not be held hostage by Obama or anyone else to redistribute MY hard earned savings. 
So, bottom line, WATCH OUTt for Obama he wants to redistribute the wealth, yours and mine!  If you pay taxes your money is being redistributed , we have a big issue here so we must stop this right here and now.  I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want some homeless person getting my money.